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Podstawka przed pomalowaniem


Artykuły na temat tego zdjęcia:
•  Podstawka to podstawa (13-04-2004)

Komentarze użytkowników

[xeRmXPWoAjvNTDKh]@187.86.53.* 2011-07-09 21:19:05
Great article, thank you again for wirtnig.
[OgwQfnkPTosHIkpa]@188.143.232.* 2012-09-12 09:30:34
Your posting is absoltuley on the point!
[6NRqZsk1LI]@190.204.240.* 2014-11-22 23:17:37
Yes, partitions seraapte a physical drive into more than one logical drive. This allows you seraapte areas for operating systems (which are targets for viruses) and data and file areas that are safer now. Also you can restore the operating system without[...]
[K8zwFLPvjjH]@188.143.234.* 2015-10-08 04:50:09
Wow! Talk about a posting kniockng my socks off!
[PHXQ3MCWn]@188.143.234.* 2015-10-08 05:53:00
Good points all around. Truly apprdciatee.
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